Best CSGO Smokes (CS2)

2024-03-28  -  5 min read

by Skinflow

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Best Smokes thumbnail

In Counter-Strike, smokes are arguably the most important piece of utility to master. Smoke Grenades can obscure vision and create cover, allowing your team to take space on the map. The most effective way to use your smokes in CSGO is to memorize certain lineups (exact positions and angles to throw utility from) that allow you to achieve specific goals in a round. In this blog, we’ll go over the 5 most important CSGO smokes (in no particular order) to give yourself a massive advantage over your enemy.

1.) The Mirage Window Smoke

The Mirage window smoke is essential for the Terrorists to take mid control. It is very common for the CTs to place an AWPer in window to pick off any players attempting to take mid, and this smoke denies that position.

To throw this smoke, get into the corner of T spawn by the trash can, as shown here

mirage lineup 1

From this position, line up your crosshair on the roof as shown below, hold your D key, and jump-throw!

mirage lineup pov

2.) The Inferno B-Site CT Smoke

When taking control of B-Site on Inferno, CT spawn often serves as a difficult angle to deal with for the Terrorists. To completely block off this angle for the CT players, you can throw this smoke.

Firstly, get into the corner shown below:

inferno lineup

Now, all you have to do is put your crosshair on the corner of the roof shown here, and left-click:

inferno lineup pov

3.) The Ancient House Smoke

There is no map where mid control is as important as on Ancient. However, it’s difficult for the terrorists to obtain this control when they are open to attack from house (top mid). To make this issue obsolete, you can throw this easy house smoke.

To throw this smoke, line up on the left side of the pillar in T spawn as shown here:

ancient lineup

Then, look for this part in the brick arch, and jump throw:

ancient lineup pov

4.) The Overpass B Mid-Site Smoke

Although many would have expected the heaven smoke for B, we believe that a proper mid-site smoke is much more effective for taking B-Site, as it covers heaven if you push site from the left side of the pillar, and covers bridge/ABC if you are pushing from the right!

For this smoke, you’re going to walk into the barrel shown here:

overpass lineup

Then, you aim at this part of the railroad wall and left-click!

overpass lineup pov

5.) The Nuke Truck Smokes

For Nuke, we’ll be showing two CSGO Smokes that create a very effective smoke wall if you want to push secret for a B-Site plant. Knowing these smokes will make your Nuke games much easier on T side.

The Back Truck Smoke:

To throw the Front Truck Smoke, walk into this part of the truck:

nuke back truck

Then, put your crosshair on this window, and simply jump throw!

back lineup pov

The Front Truck Smoke:

For this smoke, line up on the left side of the red box like this:

nuke lineup 2

After that, aim at the roof corner like so and then jump throw:

nukelineup pov 2